"Below the Outlets"
The School of Lower Learning
Corkless Bulletin Board
(I'm too old to have a blog.)
We are all learning life's hardwood floor lessons, together, so welcome to the student body!
Eliminate the noise.
I like a quiet classroom. I like quiet hallways, too! How about you?
Then feel free to quietly peruse the bulletin board.
Here is all the info you need regarding: Hardwood floor protection info, Low VOC wood stain recipes, Wood floor problem solutions, Antique wood floor sources. Even refinish hardwood floors and install hardwood floors using advice found here.
If someone has yet to ask YOUR question, PLEASE fill out an Ask Away Form by clicking the Q and A button on the left and follow the links to "problems" or "choices".
There are no dumb questions here at The Floorwright School of Lower Learning. And don't bother raising your hand, I hardly look up... JUST CLICK!
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This is the FAQ, after all!
The world's best wood floor stain is also low VOC and made in Wisconsin, USA. Refinish wood floors with ShadeMaker.
WARNING This page contains graphic photos of one home's wood floor beading problem.
Continue reading "Wood Floor Beading Problem can't be swept under the rug!"
Real wood floors need testing. You supporting our advertisers keeps it free.
If it were possible. And it's not. The old director will really go on and on, here, so the property damage he has seen won't.
If it were possible. And it's not. The old director will really go on and on, here, so the property damage he has seen won't.
On vacation? An automatic water shut off valve is your best protection from wood floor water damage while away. AND THAT'S WHEN MOST WATER DAMAGE OCCURS!
Which hardwood floor cleaner should I use? First, consider the one recommended by your flooring or finish manufacturer. Then, consider just water and Norwex.
Continue reading "Best Hardwood Floor Cleaner Manufacturer Recommends"
An antique wood floor can be RECLAIMED OR SALVAGED. What's the difference?
Protect your hardwood flooring investment. Become a Wood Floor Protector with these essential wood floor protector products.
Wood Floor Protection is ENVIRONMENTAL and WALLET protection and starts with this Pedge.
Eventually I want to get our hardwood floors finished but for now there is carpet over them. The carpet needs a good cleaning. Will I damage the wood if
Continue reading "cleaning carpets that are covering hardwood floors"
Spend a little now on a good appliance dolly to save thousands later. Zero out wood floor repair costs with this basic hardwood floor protection.
Hi Jerry, Do you still sell the wood floor vents and router template? Thanks, Tom in California
Continue reading "Do you still sell the wood floor vents and router template"
Under many layers of newer flooring we found the original pine floorboards, mostly in pretty good shape, but a lot of old paint, some sort of wash in other
Continue reading "1890 Farmhouse Antique Pine Floor... Surface Prep for Tung Oil"
The privacy policy of the The Wood Floor Conservancy.
Continue reading " Privacy Policy of The Wood Floor Conservancy"
A TinkerBell water leak detector SO AFFORDABLE, you'll set 'em like mousetraps. Avoid hardwood floor water damage.
Green designer and author, Cindy Ojczyk, nicely features my front side in this "More Than a Beautiful Home" article. And yes, as an apprentice years ago, I was the Floorwright commissioned to work on its restoration. Enjoy these lovely photos of that project and a few more. I even look up!
Nominate your favorite black heel marks remover on the Conservancy's contact form. I'll publish the findings the Friday after Thanksgiving because, well, I'm not really doing anything else that day...
Score the BEST WOOD FLOOR FINISH for wear-ability and repair-ability by the numbers.
Continue reading "Best Wood Floor Finish for Wear-ability and Repair-ability"
Little Area Rugs Are Big Wood Floor Protection in front of a refrigerator, let's say...
Spend a little now to save THOUSANDS over the life of your home. Might you have other things to buy besides CLEANING PRODUCTS!
Homeowner Review of Wood Floor Repair and Refinish. What were your priorities with this project and how did your Floorwright address them? Our priorities
Continue reading "Floorwright
Wood Floor Repair
Reclaimed flooring for sale. Oak tongue and groove from a 1920's house. Very good condition. Nails are still in the flooring. Two widths of board. In
Floorwrights determined the best wood floor finish to be a Ceramic Low VOC wood floor finish to minimize risk,improving air quality for asthmatic sufferer from a moldy basement.
Continue reading "Low VOC Wood Floor Finish Can Also Be Lifetime"
It's the better Better Business Bureau of wood floor sanders.
Continue reading "Find a wood floor sander at The Floorwrights, Local. "
Too much wood floor finish can permanently panelize your hardwood floor.
Continue reading "Choosing A Wood Floor Finish? Less is More! And Here's Why."
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