It's just that they happen so quickly!
To protect yourself from wood floor dents, keep this flexible sheet handy.
When you move the fridge for cleaning. OR,
when the appliance guy comes to replace or repair, KEEP THIS HANDY!
Even place it on the finished floor in front of the appliance before he arrives.
By a "finished floor" I mean a floor, other than ceramic, that has a sheen.
Dragging something heavy, even on a soft blanket, will change that sheen.
For example, let's say you are having a new refrigerator delivered. Place the plastic in front of the appliance space.
Have the delivery guys set the new refigerator on the plastic, make the necessary connections, then roll the new appliance off the plastic,
into the appliance space.
Transporting a new appliance from the outside of the house to the plastic landing pad should be done with a quality appliance dolly
and drop cloths, as needed.
When removing/replacing doors, KEEP THIS HANDY! This flexible piece of rigid plastic must be within reach. Keep it in the pantry, or along side the fridge. NOT IN THE GARAGE! When it's handy, you will find yourself grabbing it to place under paint cans when doing touch up, or under a foot stool or small ladder when reaching the top cabinets. |
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