Try Before You Buy Monocoat

Before you buy Monocoat, I strongly recommend color sampling it, first.

Artisans might want all 42 colors for the workbench, anyway.

However, buy Monocoat for a hardwood floor and the only product you really want left over is your floor color for repair and maintenance.

Every product off the best wood floor finish shelf that saves you money long-term, will cost more up front, of course.

I just paid $154.00 for this 1 liter can of Dark Oak Oil Plus.

I'll get 450 square feet out of it at the most. The Part B accelerator came with that price,

but even the original single part formula in a 1 liter can will cost you right around $100.00, plus shipping.

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Save money on shipping

Why pay $7.50 to ship a $6.50 item?

It's up to you. But for $7.50 I could ship you up to 14 different colors. So let's say you know you want brown, but which one?

Or throw in a couple bottles of Pure to lighten up a color you like.

In the process, you may even discover you prefer Pure on your particular species of wood.

$7.50 ships 1 or it ships 14, whatever you choose. Simply tell me what you want and where to send it by using the form in the right column.

I know it's old-fashioned, but I won't even invoice you until your order is ready to ship.

If you are a professional who knows you need the entire palette for swatches? Then,

For A Closer Look

Let me save you costly waste

By first pointing out the obvious-- it really is hard to pick colors on a computer screen. So, keep in mind these thumbnails are for

color to color comparison, only.

Also, they are single board samples and all the boards are Red Oak. Your floor may be some other species.

And finally, when purchasing new flooring to be finished dark, do what my Swedish cousins do and get a dark wood to be finished with

Pure Monocoat, no color added, is naturally honey-colored.

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