This wood floor installation will be completed by a member in good standing of The Wood Floor Conservancy who wishes to remain so. As such, your contractor has taken The No, Not One Pledge
Not another good tree lost to bad flooring. Not another good floor gone bad. Not to poor workmanship. Not to bad information.
No, Not One™.
Therefore, your wood floor shall be installed subsequent to any masonry, plaster, tile, marble, terrazzo, or mechanical work that may adversely raise the relative humidity of working conditions. Building engineering shall provide and maintain atmospheric conditions that approximate what the prevailing atmospheric conditions will be when the building is occupied. The Wood Floor Conservancy recommends a stable atmospheric humidity level between 35% and 50% and a moderate temperature of 65 degrees or more. Flooring materials must be allowed to acclimate to building conditions on the job site in a dry, well-ventilated area, not in contact with masonry, and shall be installed perpendicular to joists and at a moisture content not to exceed 8%, except in areas of constant high humidity where the moisture content of the flooring shall not exceed 10%. Subflooring moisture content shall be within +/- 3% of flooring. A minimum expansion gap of ¼” will be maintained at your floor’s perimeter, as needed. Unless otherwise approved by your flooring contractor, sub flooring for a nail down installation must be sound and level ¾” thick plywood. Both plywood and concrete substrates must be level to within 1/8” per 10’.
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